Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Who Has What In Canada

Today in economics class I read a stencil called "Who Has What in Canada". The main topic discussed in this package is wealth and statistics of students in Canada. Basically, 17% of Canada is under the poverty line which divides the salary income that makes a person wealthy or poor. It shows information on how people who are wealthier are happier with their lives and happier people in general. The article states that 74% of 17 year olds do not drop out of school at that age. It also mentioned other countries percentages of 17 year olds who are still in school, and most countries have at least 15% more 17 year olds in school than Canada. It mentions our government, and how the reason why when all incomes divided into 5 groups were so much different in each group was because the government was not making it equal for everyone, but it did mention ways the government is trying to help as well.

I found this article to be very helpful for me because now I know the percentage of 17 year olds still in school in Canada and other countries. I also liked learning about the comparisons of how happy people are with a higher income as a pose to a low income.


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