Best Player Ever, and now, Captain

On Thursday, September 14th, a few days after Keith Primeau announced his retirement from the NHL, due to doctors never being able to clear him of post concussion syndrome, rumors surfaced that Peter Forsberg would become the new captain of the Philadelphia Flyers replacing Primeau. Then, people said Simon Gagne would be captain because he is younger and is the "face of the team". Well on September 14th, Peter Forsberg was named the new captain, making him the best player to ever play hockey, and be captain of his team. Peter was very happy when this announcement was named, and said him and General Manager Bobby Clarke spoke about it before the announcement, and Peter is prepared for his responsibilities.
I'm very happy for Peter because he was always a huge leader for every team he played for, but could never be named captain, first because he always played with Joe Sakic, the Colorado Avalanche's captain, who is older then Peter, and has always been their captain, and then last season when he came to Philadelphia, Primeau had already been captain for a while so he could not be replaced either. Now Forsberg is captain and well deserved of it. Unfortunatly Brandon is still player hating on him because Forsberg is a lot more athletically skilled then Brandon.
yes, brandon is quite the playa hata
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