I read about unions. I read abotu the different types of unions. I learned many technical words people use when talking about unions, the workers in a unions and the work places where they gather. I learned how uniosn are created, what they do and what they need to go through in order to get it done. I learned many different outcomes that can happen due to a union taking action. Having unions is a very intelligent thing.
I think unions are an amazing thing for our economy. I do not have any experience to back my opinion up, but judging by things you read, tihngs you hear and tihngs you see and people tell you things and jsut the common typcical stereotype people have for owners, is that they are greedy, unfair and often don't pay you enough. After reading about unions and the different types of unions, how certain ones are organized, what goes on to create a union, how unions work, how they work with one another in certain situations, the steps they take to get their opinions across and make a deal with their bosses, and the different things that can take place when a trade bargain is created. I was very impressed with how organized unions seem to be, I think unions are very benefitial in a mixed economy, because due to trade bargaining, not every specific person gets specificlalyl everytihng they want, but it makes everyone generally happier with their job.
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