Criminal Lawyer

I want to be a criminal lawyer when I grow up, my aunt is also one. I chose social studies...but I think everyone was told to chose that. I looked at Candice's interview. Typically, people starting off working as a criminal lawyer make from 45,000$-55,000$. Candice's day begins at 9 am, she arrives at a courthouse, she speaks to the counsel of the defence, seeing if there have been any changes in the proceedings. Her day ends at 7 pm preparing for the next day's trial, by researching stuff and going over notes. In order to really enjoy this job, you must really enjoy working inside, meaning indoors, working alone, working at a desk, stnading up a lot, sometimes working with co-workers, using computers, and sometimes writing and drawing. There is not many hours that include serving clients, working with numbers, creating stuff, using machines, working outside, any physical work or travelling.
Unfortunatly, due to me being intrested in being a criminal lawyer, it is frustrating that one of my favorite and strongest subjects is math. I really enjoy working with numbers, doing math, figuring mathematical questions out etc... I guess i could convert this need to work out math questions, to working out psychological questions, or medical questions, or anything involving solving sometihng, which is good because I enjoy figuring stuff out, and I like psychology. I would definitly most enjoy my independance. I am the tpye of person who realies on myself and myself only when it comes to work that I want to get done and understand, so if i develop a passion for being a criminal lawyer i will obviously want to be the best at my job, therefore working by myself is really good for me.
This jobs NOC code is 411, but it says judges and lawyers, so I assume that includes criminal lawyers. AS previously mentioned, early starting criminal lawyers wages are about 50.000$.
jake williams just killed a man...and he told me he wants you to represent him. are you up to the challenge?
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