Thursday, October 26, 2006


Beforehand I chose to be a criminal lawyer. After answering all the like or dislike things, I got Criminal Lawyer as my third ranked choice. Behind Polotician at #1 and Radio person at #2. I would never in my life want to be either of those 2 things, so I guess I technically got what I originally chose to be. I didn not find CEGEP programs but I found University programs at University, the one I was interested the most was called "Law".

In my "Suitable for you?" chart, I answered everything as "like very muhc" except presenting ideas and information in writing and providing a service to members of the public, both those things i said "does not matter" to. Now that I think abou it I do not know why i said that, I love presentjng ideas and information in writing very much, a lot. and i enjoy providing services to the public, but i thought of it as community service, as if i would not get paid for it, so i got confused. so everything in my chart i "like very much". I would cope with this amazinigly because I would love every aspect of my job. My original career choice matched the same as my second one, so my interests were matched perfectly. I still think it would be a career choice for me, aside from the whole thing on career cruising linking me to being what I originally chose for a career, i love shows like csi that involve criminal law, i've always wanted ot be one of those lawyers in thsoe shows. also i like arguing and i'm good at getting my point across and i love investigating stuff.


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